Improving Science Through Sustainability

ReAdvance 2

By Sharing Protocols, Solutions and Innovations


You are a busy scientist who cannot afford any risk to the quality of your data. Still, making your research more sustainable and more efficient is something you look for. This is what ReAdvance is here for.


ReAdvance is an initiative led by a team of current and former researchers from all over the world.
We have been behind the bench ourselves and seen the impact of our research firsthand.


It’s scary
950kg of plastic waste produced per scientist per year

And we miss out on optimizing experimental flow which additionally reduces plastic waste by 71%

A Difficult Mission

While most scientists would like to make their research more sustainable, very few know how. Resistances and fear of impairing results due to a lack of education are common. We cannot trade data quality for reduced environmental impact but how is it then possible to become more sustainable?

A New Approach

We understand sustainable practice as an approach to increase efficiency in the laboratory. That means guiding scientists to reduce footprints by optimizing protocols. That also means saving time, resources, money and making experiments safer for researchers while improving data quality.

An Opportunity

We share insights into sustainable laboratory practice in the form of guides, protocols, and workshops.  You can think of us as mediators, bridging the gap between innovators coming up with solutions and scientists able to implementing them. We believe that we can make research safer, more enjoyable, and certainly more sustainable!

Everything Else You Want To Know

Our Event Series Hub

Sustainable Practices For Every Scientist – With Limited Time & Resources

Event from the 13th of March – with Dr. Sriram Satagopan

The event was all about showing how every scientist can take steps towards sustainability. Our speakers Sriram and Patrick shared their personal stories and experiences on how to deal with limited time and common misperceptions.

Upcoming Events

Sustainability in all shapes and sizes – made for you

GreenLaboratoryWork 2024!

In our annual conference, at the 16th-17th of July from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern / 16:00-18:30 CET. We provide you the best overview on sustainable practices available. This year, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to make laboratories more sustainable and efficient!

Our Talk Series

We are launching a talk series to cover sustainability in academic research and industry. Check it out 30 minute talks protecting your schedule & the newest from the world of sustainability. Every event we will give you an update what is new to keep you going!

We wrote the very first Sustainability review!

We are about to publish the very first review about sustainable practices in science. We collected all the works we were aware of and compiled it into an overview of actions for individual scientists, groups and entire institutes for you!

A Signficant Partner

The International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will team up with up to engage their audience with sustainability. Of course, we will make all the content also available for you!

Labconscious Webinar Series - NEB TV

We were invited to give a talk for the brand-new Labconcious Webinar Series. Right after the event you can watch it in NEB's online library! Our talk will be titled: Increasing Lab Efficiency up to 71% - Tips for Sustainable Science. Stay tuned!
Special Collaborations

The International Society for Computational Biology is your organization for global impact on science and society in bioinformatics. Apart from an amazing learning hub called “Nucleus”, they also have a “Green Group” you can join to learn more about sustainable practices.

A global society advocating for and advancing scholarship, research, training, outreach, and inclusive community building in computational biology and its professions.

Our friends at tomorrow university let you invest into your future.

Enable yourself to go for a career within sustainability or take the step to learn how to introduce sustainability in your current organization.

Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences is a fully-accredited, remote-first institution that allows learners to build the 21st-century skills needed in sustainability, entrepreneurship, and technology through our revolutionary approach to education. We are building a community of empowered and connected individuals who will create a brighter, more sustainable future. Their success is our mission, and their impact is our measure.

5 Reasons NOT to Work with Us

We are not for everyone

Whether you are a researcher, a manager or someone who wants to blackmail us after having hacked this website, read the following 5 reasons carefully because we think differently

1. You want someone to tell you about the one and only solution

You do not want to be an expert in sustainability, you want to listen what the glowing advocate is advising. How else do you buy a washing machine or a car… For rea, you do not want to see multiple solutions and get information about draw-backs – you might end up having nightmares… Safety and education are not needed in the laboratory because we wear goggles and coats, right?

2. You just need a written protocol and nothing else

You apply it, whether it works well or not does not matter as much. Now it is done once and for all – ready for vacation?. As if sustainable solutions are sustainable because they are tailored. Who wants to know what is going on, remaining in control or being able to update in the future? That is just for the geeks.

3. You are convinced that sustainability does not need investment to develop  

If you work with someone in sustainability, everybody will start to eat out of your hand, right? What you have learned does not really matter, you are not in school anymore. The guys you work with want to make you feel good because they want to get paid – the whole trick is that they have this crystal ball after all. Although they figure out solutions in an ever changing environment, they should do it for free since you did not even got a coffee because of these online meetings…

4. All that counts for you are numbers

 The words development, niche and personalization are foreign to you because the keyword is success! Nobody cares how collaborators treat each other and nvesting in an upcoming market is what people are doing on Wall-Street – you know because you watched “The Wolf Of Wall-Street” yesterday evening! You need big names and big numbers to make your boss happy… (of note, people from Oxford are at our events, this is why we might delete this rule soon).

5. You don’t need to optimize communication and strategies

When you found a solution, you got it, no need to strategize. After all, you are not playing chess. Your serious face tells everyone that you are not greenwashing. Everybody knows that talking about how to approach change in a laboratory is superfluous because nothing can go wrong. Knowing how to handle assumptions is important when writing a love letter, but not in science. Still, scientists do not have these flaws called emotions and presuppositions… Imagine you would address them, you might end up changing how people perceive your content.

If you want to do things differently, then you can walk the way with us!

Testimonials from our Partners

We love our green family, thus, we do everything to make them happy

Our partners comprise everyone, from group leaders in green chemistry from South America to renowned companies. Let’s hear what they have to say

“I really liked the cooperation and would be happy to take part again in the future”

Collaborator from the Consulting-field

“Great discussion, great comments, great preparedness prior to our chat to facilitate a riveting, engaging conversation”

Sponsor from the Industry Sector

5 Stars

In our previous international conference 75% of the companies and speakers invovled rated the person they worked with 5/5 for

“came up with new and useful ideas” & “communicated clearly and concise “


A pretty high transfer rate – all of our requested collaborators worked with us again in our last event because they were convinced of our approach.

A hefty growth – Recruiting new green enthusiasts to our events when comparing 2022 and 2023 in terms of participants.


Our Current Partners

How to Reach Us

Stay Tuned!

In this list, we update solely on our events – this is not a newsletter

You Want To Reach Out To Us Directly?

We have set up forms for you in the Scientist/University and Association/Company section

Apply For The Innovation Assessment Team

Being the first one to see innovations for laboratory? If you feel excited about judging solutions and ideas from companies and start-ups then our group does what you love!

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Now It Is On You

Will you join the others? We support you on the journey to make research more sustainable!

Copyright ReAdvance 2024