Imagine you could save the weight of a chocolate bar in plastic every time you conduct an experiment! Today I want to convince you that this is certainly possible. Let us discover how much waste we can save every time we prepare an SDS-PAGE, a rather short and straightforward protocol – nevertheless, there is a… Continue reading Saving >62% Plastic Waste in SDS-PAGEs
Tag: Industry
Reducing Energy Consumption In Laboratories
The university of Cambridge spent approximately 19 million pounds on energy in 2018. On average, about 60-75% of all energy is consumed by laboratories. Therefore, these steps, can significantly cut down on energy consumption while maintaining high standards of research and operation: 1. Develop a Comprehensive Energy Plan Pro Tip: Optimize Equipment Readiness: Measure how… Continue reading Reducing Energy Consumption In Laboratories
The Shortest Complete List of Sustainable Actions
This list is certainly not exhaustive since scientists come up with new amazing practices to make their laboratories more sustainable every day. However, here is as much inspiration as we can give: Reducing waste Improving experimental conduct and design Reducing paper, water and energy use Paper Water Energy Changing procurement and purchasing processes Using equipment… Continue reading The Shortest Complete List of Sustainable Actions
An Introduction To Sustainable Procurement: A Scientist’s Guide to Purchasing Greener Items For The Laboratory
By Patrick Penndorf Procurement. In other words, the process of purchasing items and services for your laboratory. When I first delved into the world of procurement, I was met with a lot of complex jargon and convoluted advice. It felt confused and uncertain about my next step. Therefore, let me share what I have learned… Continue reading An Introduction To Sustainable Procurement: A Scientist’s Guide to Purchasing Greener Items For The Laboratory
Top 5 Certifications For Scientists To Know About
Optimizing procurement strategies can be challenging. Searching for greener products and suppliers is not straightforward. Although it is impossible to get a hang of all certification out there, 5 questions can help you to get a good feeling: A) What do they assess?i.e., carbon footprints or working conditions | processes or products? B) Who is… Continue reading Top 5 Certifications For Scientists To Know About