Ask Me Anything – 10 Questions About Sustainability Answered

Question 1: I work with animals, mice to be precise. Are there best practices or opportunities to be more sustainable? 1. Optimize Experimental Design Minimize: the number of animals used by ensuring experiments have sufficient statistical power and address specific research questions effectively. This reduces unnecessary animal usage and associated costs. 2. Consider Breeding Practices:… Continue reading Ask Me Anything – 10 Questions About Sustainability Answered

3 Overlooked Benefits Of Publishing With A Society Journal

By Patrick Penndorf TL;DR In contrast to commercial journals run by publishers such as Nature or Science, Society Journals are run by practicing scientists within nonprofit research organizations. Therefore: • The editors in Society Journals are empathetic to the situation of researchers, prioritizing improvement of manuscripts instead of excessive requests. This is also why they… Continue reading 3 Overlooked Benefits Of Publishing With A Society Journal

Top 5 Certifications For Scientists To Know About

Optimizing procurement strategies can be challenging. Searching for greener products and suppliers is not straightforward. Although it is impossible to get a hang of all certification out there, 5 questions can help you to get a good feeling: A) What do they assess?i.e., carbon footprints or working conditions | processes or products? B) Who is… Continue reading Top 5 Certifications For Scientists To Know About